Klemm + Sohn GmbH + Company KG


Total IP 56
Total IP Rank # 24,466
IP Activity Score 1.3/5.0    4
IP Activity Rank # 238,660
Dominant Nice Class Agricultural products; live animals



0 0
0 55
1 0
Last Patent 2020 - New plants having a white foliag...
First Patent 2004 - Verbena plant named ‘kleve03324’
Last Trademark 2021 - KLEPH20513
First Trademark 2002 - NPCW02044

Industry (Nice Classification)

Latest Inventions, Goods, Services

2021 G/S
2019 Invention New plants having a white foliage phenotype. Described is a method for the generation of plants h...
2004 Invention Verbena plant named ‘kleve03324’. Verbena plant named ‘Kleve03324’, characterized by its compact,...
Invention Verbena plant named ‘kleve03327’. Verbena plant named ‘Kleve03327’, characterized by its compact,...