Obschestvo S Ogranichennoi Otvetstvennostiyu "eurostandart"

Russian Federation

Total IP 9
Total IP Rank # 171,668
IP Activity Score 0/5.0    0
IP Activity Rank # 1,656,829



0 0
0 0
9 0
Last Patent 2011 - Universal device for treating an...
First Patent 2008 - Device for treating and purifyin...

Latest Inventions, Goods, Services

2010 Invention Universal device for treating and purifying a liquid product contained in a resilient deformable ...
Invention Device for treating a liquid product and creating a new product that differs from the original. A...
2009 Invention Device for treating and purifying a liquid product and the units of said device. The inventions r...
2008 Invention Device for treating and purifying a liquid product. The invention relates to the food industry. A...
Invention Device for treating and purifying a liquid product. The invention substantially relates to the d...
Invention Device for treating and purifying a liquid product. The invention relates to the food industry. ...
Invention Device for treating and purifying a liquid product. The invention relates to the food industry. V...
Invention Device for treating and purifying a liquid product. The invention substantially relates to the di...