Opalux Incorporated


Total IP 29
Total IP Rank # 49,668
IP Activity Score 0.9/5.0    2
IP Activity Rank # 468,183
Dominant Nice Class Scientific and electric apparatu...



8 0
7 1
13 0
Last Patent 2017 - Offset activation device
First Patent 2007 - Compressible photonic crystal
Last Trademark 2020 - CHAMELEONIX
First Trademark 2020 - CHAMELEONIX

Industry (Nice Classification)

Latest Inventions, Goods, Services

2020 G/S Flexible and rigid film devices with electric colour-changing capabilities for use in changing th...
2017 Invention Offset activation device. The present invention provides an interactive, easily verified security...
2015 Invention Thermochromic material. A print on-demand color shift material which has high reflection, high sa...
Invention Multilayer photonic crystal-based thermochromic optical film. A print on-demand color shift mater...
2013 Invention Tunable bragg stack. A tunable photonic crystal device comprising: alternating layers of a first ...
2012 Invention Methods and systems for thermal printing of photonic crystal materials, and thermally printable p...
Invention Photonic crystal device with infiltrating component. A photonic crystal device including a photo...
Invention Photonic crystal device with infiltrating component. A photonic crystal device including a photon...
2011 Invention Photonic crystal device with offset activation. A photonic crystal device including a photonic cr...
Invention Reversibly responsive light-scattering photonic material. A light-scattering photonic material is...
2010 Invention Photonic crystal incandescent light source. A photonic crystal incandescent light source compris...
Invention Photonic crystal incandescent light source. A photonic crystal incandescent light source comprisi...
Invention Photonic crystal combinatorial sensor. The present disclosure provides methods, systems and devic...
Invention Temperature-responsive photonic crystal device. A temperature-responsive photonic crystal device ...
2009 Invention Compressible photonic crystal-based authentication device. A security and/or authentication devi...
Invention Compressible photonic crystal-based authentication device. A security and/or authentication devic...
Invention Photonic crystal device. A photonic crystal device comprising: a photonic crystal material having...
Invention Tunable photonic crystal composition. A tunable photonic crystal composition comprising: tunable ...
Invention Photonic crystal electrical property indicator. A photonic crystal electrical property indicator ...
2007 Invention Compressible photonic crystal. A compressible photonic crystal comprising a polymer with an order...