Bruker AXS, Inc.

États‑Unis d’Amérique

Quantité totale PI 41
Quantité totale incluant filiales 155 (+ 114 pour les filiales)
Rang # Quantité totale PI 34 044
Note d'activité PI 0,9/5.0    2
Rang # Activité PI 465 803
Activité incl filiales 2,3/5.0    60
Parent Bruker Corporation



28 0
0 0
13 0
Dernier brevet 2020 - A system and method for diffract...
Premier brevet 1988 - Radiation scintillation detector


3 subsidiaries with IP (95 patents, 19 trademarks)

1 subsidiaries without IP

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Derniers inventions, produits et services

2019 Invention A system and method for diffraction-based structure determination with simultaneous processing mo...
2018 Invention Indirect photon-counting analytical x-ray detector. An indirect, photon-counting X-ray detector c...
Invention Divergent beam two dimensional diffraction. A two-dimensional X-ray diffractometer uses an X-ray ...
2017 Invention X-ray diffraction device and method to measure stress with 2d detector and single sample tilt. 3 ...
Invention Method and apparatus for extending angular coverage for a scanning two-dimensional x-ray detector...
2016 Invention Two-dimensional x-ray detector position calibration and correction with diffraction pattern. A me...
2015 Invention Method for collecting accurate x-ray diffraction data with a scanning two-dimensional detector. A...
2014 Invention Method for correcting timing skew in x-ray data read out of an x-ray detector in a rolling shutte...
Invention X-ray diffraction based crystal centering method using an active pixel array sensor in rolling sh...
Invention X-ray detector operable in a mixed photon-counting/analog output mode. A method for X-ray detecti...
Invention Integrated reciprocal space mapping for simultaneous lattice parameter refinement using a two-dim...
Invention One-dimensional x-ray detector with curved readout strips. A detector for a small-angle x-ray dif...
Invention Method of conducting an x-ray diffraction-based crystallography analysis. A method of X-ray diffr...
Invention Method and apparatus for surface mapping using in-plane grazing incidence diffraction. An apparat...
2013 Invention X-ray diffraction-based defective pixel correction method using an active pixel array sensor. A m...
2012 Invention Multiply-sampled cmos sensor for x-ray diffraction measurements with corrections for non-ideal se...
Invention A method for correcting timing skew in x-ray data read out of an x-ray detector in a rolling shut...
2011 Invention Method and apparatus for using an area x-ray detector as a point detector in an x-ray diffractome...
2009 Invention Method for measuring crystallite size with a two-dimensional x-ray diffractometer. Crystallite si...
Invention Handheld x-ray diffractometer comprising a plurality of fixed area or linear detectors. A handhel...
Invention X-ray diffractometer having co-exiting stages optimized for single crystal and bulk diffraction. ...
2008 Invention Sample alignment mechanism for x-ray diffraction instrumentation. In an X-ray diffraction apparat...
Invention X-ray detection system for wavelength dispersive and energy dispersive spectroscopy and electron ...
Invention Cathode assembly for rapid electron source replacement in a rotating anode x-ray generator. A ca...
Invention Parallax free and spark protected x-ray detector. An X-ray detector is formed with a geometry in ...
Invention Handheld two-dimensional x-ray diffractometer. A handheld X-ray diffractometer comprises a miniat...
Invention Method and apparatus for generating small size, high-intensity x-ray beams. In an X-ray diffracti...
2007 Invention Rotating anode with cooled heat pipe for use in an x-ray generator. A rotating anode for x-ray ge...
2006 Invention Method and apparatus for increasing x-ray flux and brightness of a rotating anode x-ray source. ...
Invention X-ray detector with photodetector embedded in scintillator. An X-ray detector includes one or mo...
Invention Multiple wavelength x-ray source. A multiple wavelength X-ray source includes an electron-generat...
2005 Invention Analytical instrument with variable apertures for radiation beam. An X-ray analysis device makes ...
Invention Hybrid x-ray mirrors. An x-ray mirror provides focusing and monochromatization while maintaining ...
Invention Combinatorial screening system and x-ray diffraction and raman spectroscopy. A sample analysis sy...
Invention X-ray diffraction screening system convertible between reflection and transmission modes. An X-ra...
Invention Multiple-position x-ray tube for diffractometer. An x-ray source provides both a line focus outpu...
2004 Invention Scanning line detector for two-dimensional x-ray diffractometer. A scanning line detector accordi...
2003 Invention Vertical small angle x-ray scattering system. A small angle x-ray diffraction scattering system h...
2002 Invention X-ray diffraction screening system with retractable x-ray shield. An x-ray diffraction analysis s...
2001 Invention Non-spilling cryogenic transfer vial for crystal sample mounting. A cryogenic transfer vial for s...